Galerie: The Great Escape – We Love People – Bilbao Sept 11-13, 2013

Choosing a theme such as « We Love People » in 2013, isn’t it pure provocation ? Yes, it is ! But do we seriously consider that economic growth will happen in the future without a sound and positive People Management strategy?

Still, even if we’re all convinced today of the absolute need to further invest in our teams, most of the decisions are actually based on emergency response and crisis management and tend to harm our staff’s integrity. We know that our people will BE the first asset of our organizations, the primary way to build competitive advantages in the future. So we have to tackle this together.

« We Love People » is not (only) an HR issue ! People Management is a shared responsibility through boards, exco’s, managers meeting, etc… The role of HR is to spread the word and make sure that the People & Organizational topics benefit from perfect alignment of all top executives within their company or institution.

As usual, we are determined to put positive practices under the spotlight by all media necessary ! We want to share with you the right things to do in order to improve wellfare of our people and, doing so, develop sustainable businesses. This will be the starting point of the first Peoplesphere Great Escape, gathering the best People Managers in Belux.

Are you ready to take the challenge and play with new ideas, concepts and paradigms… Are you ready to reinvent yourself and get the tools to (re)boost your executive committee ?

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